The Patriots Have Hot Fans Too!

super-bowl-booty-005We’re trying to predict the Super Bowl by who has the hottest fans, so we’re pinning this gorgeous girl Melissa Teixeira (@HemiGirl on Twitter) against the beautiful babe featured in this post for the Seahawks.
super-bowl-booty-007We’re not trying to sway your vote in either direction, but it should be worth noting that Melissa was on a lingerei football team, which is just fucking awesome. So if you like what you see, click the thumbs up here. ( If you like the Seahawks fan better, go click that thumb! And then join me after the jump for a couple more pics of this babe’s body.

Edit: For some reason the thumbs up won’t load on this post, so that plan has officially gone to hell. Oh well! Enjoy the hot girls anyways.



Written by C. Munson

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The Big Game Booty: Who’s hotter?


Seattle Seahawks Fans Are Hot