You know it’s love when she only has 8 pictures of herself in yoga pants on Instagram and I’m still interested. This girl looks better without make up than I do after photoshop. I want to see her get famous just so I have more reasons to stare at her for long periods of time. If she told me the only way she would marry me is if she never had to wear yoga pants again, I’d say yes. She’s the type of girl you brag about to your friends, and they’re actually jealous. She’s so beautiful, I would keep a printed photo of her in my wallet just in case my cell phone battery died. On a scale of 1 to 10, you wouldn’t find her rating because she’s on a whole different level. Basically, what I’m trying to tell you is that if I’m ever in the same city as this woman, I will look for her, and I will propose. Because I already regret not doing it and I haven’t even had the chance.
GIF: College Girl Webcam Dance